Different Ways to Encourage Eco-Friendly Commuting

Different Ways to Encourage Eco-Friendly Commuting

People across the world, including digital marketing agencies, financial institutions, council offices, and a wide range of other businesses, are becoming more and more aware of their carbon footprint and environmental impact. Eco-friendly commuting is becoming increasingly popular and represents a great way for people to reduce their environmental impact.

Unfortunately, a lot of offices just don’t have the infrastructure or know-how to support eco-friendly commuting. For example, things like cycling or running to work can be quite difficult if you don’t have a space to shower at the end.

In the rest of this article, I’ve outlined a few things that you, the office manager or owner, can do to encourage eco-friendly commuting.

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Which Legal Business Structure Should You Choose For Your New Business?

Legal Business Structure

Whenever someone is starting a new business, one of the most common questions that they will ask their commercial lawyer is what legal business structure they should use.

According to commercial lawyers, the choice is extremely important as it has implications for many aspects of the business, such as tax liabilities, the costs of running the business, and legal protection of the business’s assets.

In Australia, four main legal business structures can be used, and they are sole trader, a partnership, a company, and a trust. Read on, and we will explain in more detail what each of them is, and the ease, or otherwise, of setting them up.

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Top 5 Web Design Code Libraries & Frameworks

In the past, most websites were coded from scratch. This was a very time-consuming process, and it led to the development of things like code libraries and frameworks.

Web designers worldwide use various libraries every day to streamline the design process and make their lives easier.

With this in mind, I’ve done some research into the best code libraries and frameworks available for web design experts in 2019. My top five choices include:

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How Can I Get The Most Out Of My WordPress SEO Efforts?

WordPress SEO Efforts

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is one of the most important things to consider when building a new WordPress website.

If you do things right from the start then ongoing SEO and following SEO trends will be easy. However, it will still take a bit of time and money, which means that you should think carefully about where to best direct your efforts.

Once you find out the common SEO terms and their meanings, it’s time to look further into SEO. With this in mind, I’ve come up with a few things that you can do to make sure that you get the most out of your ongoing WordPress SEO efforts. These include:

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Why Should I Focus On SEO For My Law Firm Instead Of AdWords?

SEO vs AdWords

Although Google AdWords marketing is a very successful tool that is essential for most online and many offline businesses, it isn’t as good for lawyers and law firms; a lot of people go as far as saying that as a law firm, you shouldn’t waste a cent of your money on AdWords.

Now, this may be true if you have a small marketing budget, but it isn’t always the case.

Using AdWords for law firm-related keywords can be extremely expensive, with some keywords costing hundreds of dollars per click. As you can imagine, this sort of cost can quickly drain the budget of a small law firm, which is one of the reasons why law firms should focus on professional SEO (search engine optimisation) instead.

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Your Financial Planner Can Be Beneficial To Your Health

Financial Planner

Ever heard of the phrase ‘Prevention Is Better Than The Cure’? It can apply to many things in business issues but none more so than your health. If you have money worries they can negatively affect your health, so you’ll most likely visit your doctor for treatment. Whilst they can prescribe all sorts of pills and potions to treat the symptoms, they can’t take away your financial woes. This is where a financial planner such as andep.com.au comes to the rescue, as they not only ‘cure’ many of your financial woes, they can prevent any further deterioration.

The negative impact on health caused by money worries is well documented. There are several physical, and psychological ailments that worrying about your finances can produce. Here are four of the most common.

Chronic Stress: Stress can be the catalyst to a whole catalogue of illnesses, and in recent years its impact on health has become more and more obvious. Stress can lead to eating disorders, heart conditions, respiratory conditions, upset digestive system and low immunity. Nothing will reduce your stress more than allowing a financial planner to assess your finances and create a sensible workable plan to get everything manageable for you.

Depression: Not being able to see any way out of the financial hole you are in can lead to serious depression. This can be magnified when you have children, for whom you feel unable to provide for properly. At its extreme, depression can bring suicidal thoughts so seeking help is essential. Instead of being depressed about money worries, a financial planner can give you hope that there is a way out the situation you are in.

Fatigue: Trying to cope with money worries can be draining, both physically and mentally. In addition, one of the ways you might have tried to improve matters could have been to take on a second job or work more hours. There is nothing wrong in this as such, but if they mean a significant lack of rest or sleep, added to worrying about money, your health can deteriorate. With the help of a financial planner to look at ways of reducing your outgoings so that the need to work so many hours is removed.

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Workplace Harassment – Fundamentals and Beyond

Workplace Harassment

The past year has seen an explosion of harassment claims in the employment marketplace.  No business sector has been left untouched:  Hollywood, Las Vegas, Professional Sports, the Education Sector as well as well-established businesses have all seen high-profile, highly toxic revelations about misconduct in the workplace.  Commercial lawyers will tell you this is dangerous territory for a company, and building friendly connections between your employees and other staff through activities can help build staff morale and stop the sexualisation of staff members by building healthy workplace relationships.

A few examples in popular culture stand out:

Hollywood: Hollywood, particularly the revelations about Harvey Weinstein has been the focal point for many of the claims.  Celebrity newscaster, journalists, movie makers, musicians and even chefs have all seen their share of upsetting revelations.  To name just a few: Matt Lauer, Ben Affleck, Dustin Hoffman, Geraldo Rivera, and Steven Segal, among many others.

Las Vegas:  The gaming industry has not been immune to its share of harassment claims, Steve Wynn, the CEO of Wynn Resorts and perhaps the most high profile figure in Las Vegas suddenly stepped down as Chairman and CEO after allegations surfaced chronicling a years-long pattern of abuse.

Sports:  The University of Arizona fired coach Rich Rodriguez after sexual misconduct allegations.

Automotive: Raj Nair – Ford’s president was ousted for unspecified inappropriate behavior.

Politics:  The number of offenders in this category are almost too numerous to mention, but a few names of those accused of misconduct are: Bill Clinton, Senator Al Franken and Judge Roy Moore.

Unfortunately, the phrase sexual harassment has been so co-opted into our modern vocabulary that it sometimes leads to erroneous idea of what “sexual harassment” actually is.  To clear things up, let’s go straight to the law, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

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What Is A Farm Management Deposit And Should I Use One?

Farm Management Deposit

Regarding accounting and bookkeeping for small businesses, one of the hardest things to control is your profits and losses for the year. This is especially true for business owners like farmers or fishermen who can earn highly variable incomes.

Luckily, the Australian government has made a number of allowances for people who own businesses like this to make it easier for them to keep their business taxes in order. One of the more popular things that they have done is introduce something called a farm management deposit.

What is a farm management deposit?

According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), farm management deposits are designed to help primary producers deal with the effects of having a highly variable income. For example, in drought years, a farmer may make a complete loss, meaning that they don’t have any taxes to pay. However, in a good year, a farmer may make more than enough money, pushing themselves into the top tax bracket. In this case they would pay a lot more tax than would necessarily be fair.

Farm management deposits provide something of a compromise, and help primary producers pay something of a fairer amount of tax. Basically, on very good years, you can make a tax deductible farm management deposit, which will reduce your taxable income. You can then withdraw this deposit on a poorer year and pay tax on it then. Although the benefit of doing this may not seem obvious immediately, you will obviously pay less tax by keeping more of your income in the lower tax brackets.

What are the benefits of using a farm management deposit?

There are a lot of benefits associated with using farm management deposits. Some of these include:

  • Farm management deposits can help you minimise the amount of tax that you pay. This is obviously a good thing (unless you like paying tax!), especially if you are a primary producer who struggles to make a decent income.
  • They can help you spread your income evenly across every year. As a primary producer, it can be hard to get through drought years if you don’t have a decent financial buffer to fall back on. Farm management deposits can help you get through these tougher years.

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3 Web Design Trends for 2018

Web Design

Whether you’re experienced or a complete beginner in web design, a good-looking website is a crucial element of the online presence of many businesses. It is the one digital medium which is constantly seeing changes from one year to the next. With trends in web design shifting from one thing to another in almost a blink of an eye, it is important for businesses to keep their company’s web design up to date with the latest trends or they risk being left behind.

2017 saw many technological advancements impacting the digital realm, and with more and more traffic moving to mobile devices, it is only logical to point out that web design is now going to be more focused on making websites mobile-friendly. Here are some of the most notable changes in the trends for web design that will be important in 2018.

  1. Vibrant Colour Themes

One thing that is for sure going to be important 18 years into the new millennium is the excessive use of vibrant colours in the online realm. In the past, technology had not advanced enough or was not very accessible to everybody, so web design was limited to making use of colour schemes that would be easier to handle for devices across the board. That will no longer be the case in 2018.

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5 Ways To Get The Best Results From Google Adwords

Google has such a dominant position within the search engine arena that anyone who wants to use the internet to promote their business needs to know how to rank highly within its search results. The problem is that doing it the freeway via SEO can take months, with no guarantee that your website will ever get close to the first page. The second way is to use Google Adwords, which is quicker and sometimes instant but also costs money.

To make the most effective use of Google Adwords and to also get the monetary returns you want for your investment there are some basic criteria you need to follow. By following these 5 tips your ads will perform better, get more clicks and thereafter get more sales.

#1 Competition Research

There are businesses large and small who have lost thousands of dollars by setting up Adwords campaigns without proper research. The research should definitely cover your competition to see what sorts of ads they are posting. Never copy them but at least ’emulate’ what the top ads are doing.

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